Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rockin' Robyn

My friend Robyn made this awesome flip-book for my daughter the Christmas of 2007. Robyn is such a crafty marvel. That's my darling daughter, right there on the "chin" page, long before she had much hair or Very Strong Opinions. Our other friends' angels are featured in the flip-book, as well, on pages that highlight such features as "forehead" "eyes", and my personal favorite, "cheek".

This gift had me gaga over the idea of crafting again. So many things had completely disappeared after I had children--manicures, imported beer, abdominal crunches--that I suppose I'd assumed there was little room for much creativity, either. It is Robyn's unconditional embrace of Motherhood, the way she weaves it seamlessly into who she's always been, that has had one of the biggest impacts on me as a Mama. If I were to make Robyn her very own flip-book, I would probably have a page for "really cool eyewear", a page for "awesome fabrics", and about ten pages for "thank you".

1 comment:

  1. Well, I must say, coming from the Mistress of All Things Crafty, this is high praise! Lets keep inspiring each other!! LOVE you!!!


What do you say, Mama?